Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Common house

Common house
Many will go for MSW.
Some may go for M. Sc.
Some may even for B.  Ed.
Some land up; in promised land-parish
Who will opt for common house?
If you are familiar with GC34
Our mission and justice
Our Mission and culture
Our Mission and Inter-religious Dialogue.
Do you expect M. Ed fellow? For common house?
Do you expect M. Phil fellow? Common house?
Do you expect PHD fellow? Common house?
Will they listen to you?
            Fellow with extra curriculum activities;
Always or some times land at university life,
Out going fellow- communication and New culture.
Who will opt for formation house?
Provincials, PCFs and consulters,
Always differ and falter,
In opinions and approaches.
Guess and speculations does not really work.
Who will go for common house to teach?
Why people are not aspiring?
Why young shun?
Is it like temptation of Jesus (LK: 4:1-12)
To live in bread alone, to be served.
To be on par with creator?
What happened to one month retreat?
What happened to vows?
What happened to be under the banner of the cross?
What is our opinion regarding the formation house?
Is it like a surrogate mother’s womb?
Is it like the baby being in the test tube?

Is it not exodus to God?
Is it not going to eschatological promise land?
Is it not faith seeking understanding?
Is it not the return of the prodigal son to the father?

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