Thursday, 24 May 2012


[some people in the face demand olchiki is only media to communicate- what you say]
Some want to make it identity
Some want to identify with santal.
Some even dragged it to religion.

Let us make clear.
Santal speak Santali.
So the point is Santali
The language is old as long as the history of santal.
Now this Santali could be express as many as script you know.
For examples—in Hindi, bangle and bagera bager.

Now let us not get confuse-
What is your name?—AMAK’ NUTUM CET’
You can write in Hindi script
You can write in Bangla
You can write in oria
So you can write as many as script you know.

OLCHIKI is a script expressing Santali feeling.( you can write other feeling too)
How much accuracy is there I do not know?

The point is I have a shirt my own.
After a week I stitched one more.
Benefit is I am in luxury.
My body remained the same;
 Shirts are used according to my choice and need.

The point is how I am dealing with others
While showing my new shirt.
Others they have their own.
The main factor is body(language)
You can cover with any number of clothes,
What is the purpose to keep the body warm?
Purpose of olchiki is expresses Santali at its best. ( according to me)

Now new shirt (olchiki)
How are you going to use.
If you are dehumanizing others,
Making others to feel you rule the world
What you feel- people will kiss you.

There are many companies-
Reliance, air tell, docomo, idea, voda ; aircell, nokia, sum song
You can go on naming them.
They all are in competition in the market.
They have to make such an impact in their add,
That people by their product with out hesitation.
In the case of OLCHIKI you may differ
But same method could be implying though some places gracefully spread the fruits.
All the companies has to be alert and convince people with all the inquiry.

Now the point is market is open
How do you sell your product?

You can land up like---
Type writer no more in use,
Land phone at the most with hesitant to use.
What you say?

1 comment:

  1. You know very little about ol chiki. Though you r a santhali speaking person, but you have very poor knowledge about santhals and their emotions.
