Thakur has another meaning in the Hindu context .
this i have taken from:
Define term:bonga,janguru,
one of the sharing: where this line is mentioned-----
"Thakur has another meaning in the Hindu context "
This is my personal view, after going through some books and reflection on the nature of Horhopon in day today life that--- Thakur word is inserted in santal mythology. I feel Hindu has tried their best to dominate over santal mythology to show their supremacy over santal race which is not true, Hindus are Arians Who came to India after Indus valley civilization where as santal has already been there as Adibasi ( in which many tribes are neat together) during or before indus valley civilization. Can we say till Arians came to India Santal did not have spirituality or no sign of God. The stress is santal always used the word CANDO,BONGA or SIN BONGA( both indicate almighty, eternal, creator) these two are immediate tangible to horhopon here and now. -----------------------------------------------------------------{ church supported Ptolemy's geocentric model of the universe-----later Copernicus decided that he could achieve his goal only through a heliocentric model.} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------so the approach of spirituality tussle begun within the church-----Church spirituality goes beyond Geocentric and heliocentric.--------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- similarly Hindu thought Cando Bonga and sing Bonga are merely celestial bodies and inserted Thakur.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ but the point is santal with their empirical experiences wanted to express beyond what they say Cando bonga or sinbonga. which are sighs or symbol---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------when santal say---
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- similarly Hindu thought Cando Bonga and sing Bonga are merely celestial bodies and inserted Thakur.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ but the point is santal with their empirical experiences wanted to express beyond what they say Cando bonga or sinbonga. which are sighs or symbol---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------when santal say---
bai dak' eda----------
bai setun eda-----------
kajak' e hoi kida
oko barai nes dole cas ase ban rimil ho bai rimil et'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------these simply means santal God is beyond sinboga and cando bonga. if you do not believe me check how people talk in day today life, refering God.------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- after coming of Mughal and British santal' economy has gone fully to hand of land Lord and Money lender, in that process the spirituality of santal also slightly quizzed a bit. as we study Biblical resources we come to know that there were influences of Roman, Greek, Hebrews authors who has little tauch of their own individual correspond. i feel similarly, all Banaergy, chatargy, mukharjee or who ever donot belong to santal fold has inserted Thakur. once again i may be wrong in my research. i believe Hindus want to show supremacy of Sanskrit by bringing the word Thakur to dominate santal spirituality in fact santal spirituality is much higher and deeper concentrating community aspect, love for neboughbor, no cast system. santal God is higher then Hindu God.
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